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Intelligent Air

Air disinfection –
Healthy air with ions

The topic is not new for bioclimatic. Since 1978 we have been offering suitable solutions for air purification and disinfection. With our special air cleaning devices as a supplement to air conditioning and ventilation systems, air cleaning and sterilization can be implemented particularly easily and without any problems.

Luftentkeimung - So verbessern Sie Ihre Luftqualität

What’s in your air

Air – the basis of life and work

…especially in the sensitive area of ​​the room air. Good quality is crucial for people’s well-being and productivity. Air conditioning and ventilation systems that are not optimally designed are often the reason for headaches, symptoms of fatigue and difficulty concentrating. A phenomenon that has been researched in well-founded studies and recognized as the so-called “Sick Building Syndrome”.

Mehr zur Luftentkeimung mittels bipolarer Ionisation

Bipolar Ionization

Air – we make more of it!

Pure, healthy, fresh air is created by oxidizing pollutants using activated oxygen. In the outside air, this is mainly in the form of positive and negative air ions and ozone. bioclimatic ionization systems “copy” this natural process of air regeneration and transfer it to indoor conditions. There is scientific evidence of the production of positive and negative ions as in nature. This improves the room air quality, also known as Indoor Air Quality (IAQ), inactivates germs, neutralizes odors and enriches the air with natural ion concentrations – without any chemicals or artificial fragrances.

Latest News

Unsere offizielle Stellungnahme der bioclimaitc GmbH

Official statement of bioclimatic GmbH | November 2020

bioclimatic – official statement Official statement from bioclimatic GmbH | November 2020 on publications by the Federal Environment Agency in connection with the use and mode of action of ionization
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Unser Bonitätszertifikat Crefozert

Creditworthiness certificate CrefoZert

Credit Certificate – CrefoZert The bioclimatic received the “CrefoZert” from Creditreform due to a very good value in the creditworthiness index. According to Creditreform, bioclimatic is one of the top
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Unser Update Offizielle Stellungnahme der bioclimaitc GmbH

Official Statement from bioclimatic GmbH | Update March 2021

bioclimatic – official statement Official statement from bioclimatic GmbH | Update March 2021 The better arguments prevailed. Scientific evidence is convincing. Through an intensive, scientifically supported dialogue, the Federal Environment
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